Saturday, June 07, 2008


I definately make my share of mistakes but I still consider myself a bit of a grammar snob. Alot of businesses don't bother to check for good grammar when they put up there slogan's, store name's, and ex cetera. To me, this seems unprofessional and it "really" irritates me. Certain words are "always" mispronounced and mispelled, too, which, is expecially fustrating! (Atleast use spell check people)! Its everywhere, and you just can't excape it. No matter were you turn, your faced with poor grammar and it's effects; slopy-looking signs, and twitching eyes for perfectionist's like me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree. poor gammar relly makes me iritated and fustrated i sometimes don't no what too do with my self.

11:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

perhaps you could post about how Bryan proposed??

10:56 PM  
Blogger ElleBelle said...

It bothered me a great deal to read this entry. I completely agree with you. How are children growing up supposed to know how to spell and punctuate properly?

1:48 PM  

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