Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I was looking up fun things to do in Saskatoon, when I came across an ad for a new leisure facility that reads "Everyone is welcome...!Boarders, bladders, and bmxer's can enjoy the park's ramps, rails, and bowls."
Funny on so many levels...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Hot Dang

That was dad found a GOOD used car for me in Swift Current, and the next day he went up to check it out, then phoned me and we quickly decided to go for it. It's a 4-door 1992 Honda Accord (which I have since learned is one of the most commonly-stolen cars in Canada or the world or something) with -- get this -- AIR CONDITIONING! And power locks, and a radio that works, and electric windows. Only 150,000 kms on it so far, and it's dark metallic red with gray interior. Isn't it pathetic how excited I am about this? But I don't care. There it is. Now it needs a name.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Okay, so my car makes a sound like thunder whenever I brake, and like an accelerating train when I speed up again. I wanted to pop the hood in the off-chance I'd see anything unusual under there (wishful thinking...the fact I can check my oil is amazing in itself), only to discover that my hood is stuck shut! Like, I can barely fit my fingers under the front to push up the latch thing, and then I can't get it open. I mean, frick, people! This car is my life. If I don't have it, I can't work. Literally. Can I please get through thirty days without something major screwing it up???!! I just spent $200 on it last month!

I am mildly frustrated.

In other news, I will shortly be looking for a GOOD used car...if anyone happens to know anything, give me a shout.