Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I went for a long walk yesterday, and halfway through it I realized I'd been talking to myself and laughing out loud at my own stupid jokes for a long time. In a busy neighborhood. It was an awesome realization.


Blogger Amanda said...

Optimus Prime is one of the Transformers!! Helllooooo! Sheesh. I think you might even go so far to say he was THE Transformer. (Say THE with an eeee not an uh)
Do you like how long it took me to get back to you on that one? I've been away at work, then on vacation in BC. And guess what? Its going to be a while again since i'm going back to work tomorrow. (Audible Gasp) I know. Its a shame.
Well, Love ya.

10:45 PM  
Blogger The World of Haab said...

I love it.

5:38 PM  
Blogger *WinterOne said...

Those are the best realizations... the ones where you realize that you are not like everyone else (i.e. the ones that keep their thoughts in their heads!) and that it's absolutely okay with you!

12:21 PM  

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