Lansdowne Ladies' Stalker went for a nice long walk (and it wasn't even dark yet), and just as I was on the home stretch, this man shouts from a block behind me, "Hey, you! I'm talking to you!" Being shy (and slightly wary) has its advantages...I ignored him and kept walking, checking behind me every now and then to be sure he wasn't following. I didn't see him anymore.
I got home and forgot all about it...then Aubree stepped out to go meet someone for coffee, and came back in five minutes later. Apparently a man matching the description of my shouter had been out in front of our house just as she was leaving, and struck up a conversation that led to him saying he'd love to go out with her sometime, and when she didn't give him our number he said he'd just have to come by our house every now and then...after all, according to him, he lives in the area. How handy! So we're thinking of making up a secret knock for all our friends, just so we don't have to wonder when someone's at the door and we can't see who it is.
An overactive imagination is great. Aubree did end up going out for coffee, so I stayed home and played piano...during one song I swore I heard scratching at the door, like someone was picking the lock. Kind of a rush, like a horror film, but a tad scarier. Realistically, I don't think we'll ever see that guy again. But he sure left an impression!
kjersti you are the funniest girl ever...your blogs are always so entertaining!!! yeh so this book, wierd, i bought it for a dollar at the u of r's about a canoe so i had to investigate...turns out it's pretty good, although taking me forever...i am a slow reader...meaning i get distracted easily!
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