Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Hey Johanna in Van, this one's for you: I just found out Jannaya hates abbrev's as much as you do. I said digi cam one day over the Easter weekend, and she freaked out on me. I thought you'd enjoy that.
Man, I look like death warmed over this morning.


Blogger The World of Haab said...

lol...ya Jannaya! High Five! ......I hate abbrev...IATIONS. Well....maybe only when Kjersti uses them... Thank you for thinking of me in S'toon. Love ya

2:17 PM  
Blogger chelsea rae said...

kjersti?!?!?! sweet....hello! how are you? k, seriously peed my pants when reading your posts...i have never experienced the way of the cranberry sauce either...i am proud of you for trying...how was it?

3:07 PM  
Blogger Kjersti said...

Chelsea???HI!!! Haven't seen you in forever!!!But I like reading your posts on the Haabs thing...and now on my thing...you're so much fun. Cranberry sauce is actually pretty good!

12:32 PM  

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