Sunday, April 09, 2006

Prom Night

Here's a fun moment in life: Dena, Megan, Aubree and I are standing in our living room, waiting impatiently for the boys to pick us up. We've been primping all day and we're feeling fairly hot, holding our oriental salad and broccoli casseroles and wondering why those guys are past the 8:00 pick-up time. Tonight is prom night for the Saskatoon crew, and we're supposed to be at the church fairly soon to do some eating and dancing. We've been looking forward to this for a couple of weeks now.
I head off to my room to check my lipstick, when an eruption of excited shrieks pulls me back to the living room, where the girls are pressing their faces against the window and jumping up and down.
"They got a limo, they got a limo!"
Sure enough, there's a long white vehicle pulling up in front of our house. Call me pathetically dramatic, but I'm so excited I start shaking. Then the girls are like, "Get away from the window so they don't know we've seen them yet!" Heaven forbid our boys should see us acting like such school girls. (We later discover they had seen us quite clearly in the window...not to mention a certain basement boy had been underneath us, hearing the whole thing.)
That kick-started an awesome night. We had a limo ride, then got to the church where a bunch of our friends had already arrived. There were decorations and candle-lit tables, where we ate roast beef, duck, quail, eel, salmon, turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce (my first time ever), fruit pizza, and salads. Then we watched a couple of videos we'd made throughout the year, and there was a birthday cake and a scrapbook given for Megan's birthday. Finally, there was the dance. Aubree and Nick taught everyone some of the stuff they'd learned at ballroom dancing throughout the year, and it wasn't that bad! Actually, I was really enjoying myself. Dancing's not too scary when you have someone else who isn't afraid to learn either.
And that was that. It was awesome. Saskatoon's the best...especially Saskatoon boys.


Blogger Nance said...

Saskatoon people outclass everyone, bar none. I love it.

9:44 PM  
Blogger The World of Haab said...

That sounds like a lot of fun...I can't believe they got a LIMO! wow....go boys.

12:34 AM  
Blogger Cat said...

I wish we did cool things in Calgary.

10:34 PM  

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