Monday, March 20, 2006

I Look Like a Mom

Today I was waiting outside a church bathroom for a long time. One of the individuals with autism that I was supporting had been in there for quite awhile, as usual, and I was basically leaning against a wall and enjoying the slow pace of the moment. Then this stranger walked by, looked at me, looked at the bathroom door, and said knowingly, "Oh, are you waiting for your little one?"
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that. Yeah, I know quite a number of girls are married (or not) and having kids at my age...but still, my first thought was crap, the wrinkles on my forehead are SO obvious! I'm 21 and completely unattached! The thought of having a "little one" is just a little too creepy at this time.


Blogger The World of Haab said...

Lol.....I love you Kjersti and you definietely DON'T have day you will be an awesome Mom

4:48 PM  

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