Friday, January 20, 2006


This is my official public announcement of the addition of Haaken to my life. Haaken is dark-skinned, with large eyes and the energy of a five-year-old on espresso. That's right, you guessed it...Haaken's a newt. Not only is he a newt, he's the sweetest newt ever. Pretty much way better than the boys' newt. Underneath his adorable demeanour is the heart of a fighter. The first night here, our furnace quit working. Our house temperature dipped somewhere below ten degrees, and his water was frigid. But he made it through with undampened spirits, enduring all the times I moved his tank to various places in the house to keep him less refrigerated (although refrigeration in its entirety could not be avoided for any living creature in this blasted building last night).
Our furnace was fixed today, by the way.
And Haaken's the sweetest newt ever.


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