Saturday, December 03, 2005

My Name

I love my name. It is an unending source of amusement to hear people try it out for the first time, usually with a very tentative look in their scrunched-up eyes and slightly-tilted heads. Usually I get Kiersti, Jersti, Kersti, Kajersti, know, the usual. But today at Cosmo, I had several workers call at me from across the room. They're not afraid to call me what they truly think my name was pronounced upon our first introduction, no matter how unorthodox. So today I was Turkey, Cherkey, Jerky, and Thirsty. In all seriousness, too. There were many other renditions, but none that can really be spelled, since the sounds and syllables weren't actually identifiable.

The second most-asked question in my life (after "How do you say your name again?") is "Do you get sick of people mispronouncing your name?" The answer is no. I laugh. Many times. Usually just in my head.


Blogger Challis said...

you are so dubbed cosmo by me from here on out! hahahaha

1:18 PM  

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