I Am a Fool
For the last two days I've been obsessed with the idea of buying myself a hermit crab. Well, first I wanted a newt. Lisa, my coworker, was describing her son's friend's newt, and I found myself dying to hold and take care of one. Then, upon the realization that this would be insanely expensive (12o dollars with all the other stuff), I decided to downgrade to a hermit crab. Travis Johnston has/had one, and it was the coolest, easiest thing to not kill. So I drove all the way across the city after work, in rush hour traffic, in the sloppy snowfall, with a fan belt that's about to blow apart, just assuming that I could waltz into the Confederate Mall Petland and find the whole hermit crab care set for less than 50 bucks. I'll bet no one else saw this coming...yeah, that's right...it was still too expensive. 70 bucks is a lot, considering both my car and my computer need major fixes. On top of that, a 5-gallon tank (minimum size suggested) would completely upset the feng shui in my room (aka, I don't have the space). So now I'm blogging, petless and ten steps closer to my car blowing up around me. It was a comletely nonproductive day. But I bought myself a small poutine, and that made everything better.
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