Wednesday, September 28, 2005


The sweetest time of all was had by many a Saskatoon guy and gal at yesterday's celebration of Megan P's 21st birthday. We all dressed up in our most fanciest clothes (even the guys had suits and a top hat that circulated amongst them all evening), and aside from my house being typically a few minutes late, it went off without a hitch. We all went to Ricky's for supper (so good, try the Summer Splash Chicken Salad) where each of us ordered Megan a Megarita and she drank them all within an hour. Then the restaurant people came and had Megan stand on the table while we all sang happy birthday, during which she broke out into a fantastic version of the Megarena. Finally, we all headed to the Patzer house (word to the wise...don't wave at a mini-van with two middle-aged male passengers who happened to be looking your way. And also, tell the people at Super Save Gas if it's your birthday; you'll get free cigs or a free iced tea). There, at the Patzer house, we sat around and visited and some played Chinese Checkers. The birthday girl looked Meganificent.
Okay, so the Megarita's and Megarena's didn't happen...but Megan sure got giggly after her iced tea, and she sure got a free future burger from Ricky's, along with an amazing brownie ice cream dessert that we all got to eat.
Thanks for having a birthday, Megan! I hope you felt so loved, cause you are!


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