Wednesday, September 07, 2005

"The Boy Who Couldn't Throw High"

This is a story about John.
John was a little boy who lived with his mom and dad in a house.
One day John went to school. They had gym. John was the only kid in his class who couldn't throw the ball in the hoop. His gym teacher gave him a D-tention. John was mad that he had D-tention. He had to write 10 lines: I will get the ball in the hoop, I will get the ball in the hoop... John made an angry face as he walked home from school.
That night, there was a robber outside John's home. The robber tripped and fell through a car window, making a loud crash! John heard it and woke up. He looked out the window and saw the robber. He quickly changed, then ran outside. He saw the robber. He threw a rock at the robber's head...which was as high as the basketball hoop!
The robber was knocked out. When he woke up, he was in jail.
John became a hero.
The next day, John went to school. They had gym. He threw the ball....
and it got in the hoop!
John's class lifted him onto their shoulders. His gym teacher said, "Even I can't throw that good!"
And John was in the newpaper for three things: for catching the robber, for throwing so good, and for winning a trophy because he could throw so good.
The End.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the basic premise of a story I wrote when I was six years old...this one was originally complete with a picture of little John completely naked when he was changing. When I was about eleven, I rediscovered this book and drew some underwear on him. Kids are hilarious.


Blogger Challis said...

you are truly an inspired author...even from such a young age!

10:12 AM  
Blogger Nance said...

I'm glad your modesty eventually kicked in, luv. Naked guys are scary (so I hear).

9:58 PM  

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