When God Speaks through "Our Daily Bread"
Psalm 119:71 "It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees."
I think we can't really begin to live until God brings us to the one point He longs for most of us to reach: Rock-bottom.
When we fall farther than we thought possible, usually in the form of a long, downward spiral, we have nothing to grab onto -- no self-sufficiency, no religion, no worldly pleasures -- and suddenly we're shattered on the Rock. Not so much that we're shattered, but the thick walls we'd built and reinforced around ourselves which kept God out are shattered, and we find ourselves weak, vulnerable, and naked. Where is our protection from this terrible place? It's in a million pieces all around. Who are we? We are not the strong, proud, amazing superhuman we'd previously thought. Then...who am I really? I am a needy creature formed by God in love and uniqueness, who has been unknowingly denying herself true life and true uniqueness by allowing the deceit-filled junk of this world to become walls which were threatening to close out the Creator for good.
And now we're helpless at the bottom. All we can do is whisper "Jesus." We are terrified and depressed, yet somehow relieved. It's like our soul can breathe again. Each breath becomes more hope-filled as the Rock upon which we've fallen becomes the loving embrace of the Lover Who's been pursuing you madly all your life. He cleans you and clothes you, this time with a robe of righteousness and His strength -- not yours. Slowly but surely you are built up again, but not like before. Now you are growing from the inside-out, becoming more and more like the Perfect One. There are growing pains and moments of triumph; rocky roads and smooth places. No matter what, though, you are under God's care and protection -- not the walls you had relied upon before your fall from constricting normalcy which turned into true, incredible, unhindered life in Him.
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