Saturday, June 11, 2005

Pass the Gossip, Please

Hi all my loyal fans! (That is, Amy and Challis.) I have nothing stellar to say in any way, shape, or form. But my first order of business is asking Amy who told who not to come to her garage sale? That is freaking hilarious! "You're not coming to my birthday party" must involve into "You're not coming to my garage sale" as we get older. And finally, "You're not coming to my funeral!" Oh, how much we have to look forward to! (But I guess you don't have to tell me who said that to who, or else we're just gossipers too.)
Second order of business is what one of the ladies at work says to me all the time: "Oh, you're such a lovely pussy! Just a lovely pussy! Yes, you are!" (Dementia + Love of cats + Complimentary Lady = Me Trying Not To Laugh).
Third order of business...I can't believe Dena and Greg are getting married next weekend! That came, like, so fast!
Fourth order of business...ha ha Amy, we're having sweet mother weather up here! It's hot hot hot! What a beautiful walk I had on the train bridge yesterday!
Finally, I must go. The dirty dishes are calling my name -- almost literally. I'm sure something living must have grown from them by now.


Blogger Nance said...

Gloat about your stupid sun, then. See if I care. Actually, I do. I'm getting moody and weepy due to vitamin D deprivation. If it hadn't been nice yesterday (followed by rain last night, of course), I may have done something desperate. Kjersti, I miss you! I'm going to call you really soon...

12:06 PM  
Blogger Challis said...

I like pussy-cats too...I think dementia will sit well with me. I met a bunch of your family this weekend! They were totally lovable! You suck for not being at the Frenchmen River Valley Gospel Music Jamboree!

10:19 PM  

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