I love this blogging community! Hmmm...so I've been tagged by Marian, so here's my list of five random and irrelevant facts about myself (I wonder how this all got started, anyway):
1. Sometimes I get weird urges to throw things at people, especially glasses of water or pop.
2. Sometimes when I'm thinking of a phrase, I have to repeat it to myself several times and count all the syllables with my fingers (and sometimes I have to gently tap my teeth together on each syllable). This can go on for a long time. I often have to force myself to stop.
3. Speaking of counting on my fingers...I can't add or subtract anything in my head, not even the numbers between one and ten. I still have to use my fingers.
4. My favorite word is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
5. My first celebrity crush was Bob Saget.
Okay, now it's your turn...Challis and Briana! Five random and irrelevent facts about you guys. I want to see your lists up TOMORROW!
Bob Saget...kjersti...i never knew
I am QUITE aware of your peculiar urges to throw things at people. Yes, much too aware...
Hi Kjersti, Bob Saget hey?! Haha thats funny! Well I had a crush on Dean Cain from the old superman shows.
I still remember you and that insanely long word!Actually the other day I was trying to think what it was. Somehow I think I remember the Bog Saget thing!
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