Monday, April 23, 2007

Courtney Swears

Anyone who knows my adorable youngest sister knows that she is sweet, innocent, and of high moral character. But anyone who knows her really well knows the truth. Even as a young child, her rebellious streak began with a few words she reorganized in order to subtly hide the improprieties she so desperately wanted to blurt out in the middle of casual conversation. Following is a list of the top three favored words/phrases and their more appropriate translations:
3. Damniel (Daniel)
2. Dickle Picks (Dill Pickle Chips)
1. Frucken and a Chicken (Kentucky Fried Chicken)
I know, I'll never look at Courtney the same way again.

Friday, April 13, 2007

There's a guy we support in SAI who rarely speaks, and when he does it's always in a whisper. Three days ago, my coworker told me that he said my name to her twice. I was so happy I almost literally jumped out of my seat.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Very Very Happy

Six months ago today I was shivering in a coat that had proven itself too thin for the autumn night air, but I hardly noticed at the time. My heart was racing, my thoughts a blur, my mouth releasing a sentence in drawn-out staccato form: "I...think...I'm.........ready."
Unbeknownst to me, my response was to a question that hadn't been expecting such a decisive answer. The look on the asker's face was a mix of shock and happiness. "What--really?" he asked. "Are you sure?"
We were lying parallel on our stomachs on a picnic blanket in Diefenbaker Park with empty sushi, veggie, and drinkable yogurt containers scattered around. It was the first sushi I'd ever eaten, the first time I'd ever used chopsticks. I'd even tried some of the wasabi.
"I think so," I said quickly. "I mean...yeah...I think...yes, I'm ready. I am." I stuttered my way through a few more sentences before relinquishing my need to explain, in great detail, how I'd come to this conclusion.
The exact wording of his reply is unclear to me now, but the gist of it was this: "Okay. Sweet. So...we're officially dating then."
"I guess so."
One week prior, I had said I wasn't ready. I still wasn't completely sure at this point, but I plunged ahead and said I was...which led to happiest, most amazing six months of my life so far.
Happy half-year Bryan!