Monday, April 23, 2007

Courtney Swears

Anyone who knows my adorable youngest sister knows that she is sweet, innocent, and of high moral character. But anyone who knows her really well knows the truth. Even as a young child, her rebellious streak began with a few words she reorganized in order to subtly hide the improprieties she so desperately wanted to blurt out in the middle of casual conversation. Following is a list of the top three favored words/phrases and their more appropriate translations:
3. Damniel (Daniel)
2. Dickle Picks (Dill Pickle Chips)
1. Frucken and a Chicken (Kentucky Fried Chicken)
I know, I'll never look at Courtney the same way again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha, oh, Kjersti! When did I say "Damniel" though? You'll have to remind me of that.

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Courtney, Courtney. Even I remember that.

11:20 PM  
Blogger Marian said...

Awe, I think that it is cute!!

12:57 PM  
Blogger The World of Haab said...

Hahaha....when ever I sing that song "pizza hut,,,," I always sing the rest "a frucken and a chicken and a pizza hut"...thanks to courtneys influence on my young ears...!

1:41 AM  

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