Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thoughts on Ministry

Something that struck me the other day is how many of us don't feel specifically called to any particular kind of ministry. I'm sure there are others like me who've wrestled with undue guilt over's not like we don't want to reach the world for Christ; it's just that other countries and very blatantly-Christian outreach organizations don't weigh heavily on our minds. I'm not saying we shouldn't explore these options just because we don't think much about them...a lot of the time we need to actually find our purpose and not just wait for it to be handed to us...but I think we should remember the simple truth that God can use us anywhere at any time. Where you are right now--where you're comfortable, in your niche--it's like when missionaries go to other cultures. Before they can begin to effectively reach them with the truth they have to become at least somewhat familiar with the way things are run in this new environment. They have to understand the general and individual mindsets so they can see what practices and beliefs will be helpful or deterrent to the message. They have to know the language, the history, the way they relate to others...they have to know a lot. Here, in your niche, you already know all that stuff. Us North American Christians often forget the mission field in our own backyard. But instead of letting that cliche assuage my false guilt over not feeling called to overseas missions, thereby allowing me to be comfortable in Canada, I'm challenging myself to realize that those within my comfort zone need Jesus as much as any other zone in the world. Every day, everywhere I look, there are people searching. Am I being mindful of how my words and actions present the fact that I know the Way to the Answer?


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