Wednesday, June 27, 2007

And in other news...I just found out that they're raising the rent in my apartment by $545 on October 1. I like this little place, but WHO wants to pay $1185 to live here? That's absolutely insane. So I don't know...time to move on again? Or maybe this can be fought. Maybe I can find that Irish guy who lives in my building. I ran into him doing laundry a few weeks ago and he said he has a good inside track for fighting the eventual turning of our apartments into condos, so he seems to know what he's doing.
If anyone knows how to fight this sort of thing, or of any good two-bedroom places in the city, please let me know! I'm SOOOOOO frustrated!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sailor Dan

What a man!
That Sailor Dan.
I saw him outside Petro Can.

He had a drawing in his hand.
His face was wrinkled and quite tanned.

He held the door for friends and I.
We said "thank you" and walked on by.

"That's Sailor Dan!" I whispered loud.
Seeing him made me feel proud.

My friends from out of town just shrugged.
But something in my mind was tugged.

I went back out and smiled, said "hi".
He smiled and looked me in the eye.

"Isn't she beautiful?" said Sailor Dan.
He raised the drawing...two-foot span.

We spoke about the price and I
went in to get some cash to buy
this piece of art from this sweet guy.

I came back out and paid the price,
and he was very very nice.

He told me that I need to go
to Van and see the arts they show.
"I'm going there later," I let him know.

But then we had to go our way.
"God bless" he said. Then he did say,

"Tell your friends I'm here each night!"
I said I would. I think I might.

So now that drawing's on our wall.
It's hanging in our once-bare hall.
I'm so glad that, once and for all

I saw that man
named Sailor Dan,
just smoking outside Petro Can.