Monday, October 09, 2006

Creepy Lamp

Okay, this is sort of a continuation of Creepy Man. He hasn't appeared since that time he made me scream bloody murder, but in the past month I've had two instances that evoked the same type of fear he used to.
I have a touch lamp beside my bed. Anytime I hear a strange noise, feel scared, or wake up from a bad dream, all I have to do is reach over and touch it once, and the light comes on, dissolving my fear. Well, earlier this month I had a dream that was scaring me (I can't remember exactly what it was about...I think Pom Pom from Homestar Runner was going to kill me or something. Scarier than it sounds!) Anyway, my head realized that I was dreaming, so I should just wake up and turn on my lamp and things would be fine. So my dream dissolved into the darkness of my room, but when I reached over to touch my lamp, it wouldn't turn on. I touched it several times, panic rising, and finally picked it up...only to realize that the cord had been cut just beyond the base. Now fully awake (or so I thought), I stood up and started walking toward the door, lamp in hand, ready to strike any evil Pom Poms who might jump out at me (I had a strong sense of someone dangerous hiding in the darkness of my room). But the closer I got to the door, the farther away it seemed...the more I tried to make a noise, the more my throat closed off. I knew Megan and Aubree were both still awake, and if I could only yell once, they'd know I needed help. A couple strangled cries did manage to escape me. But the distance between myself and the door increased until I was back in my bed, and that's when I woke up for real. I threw my arm toward my lamp, and it turned on. Shaken but relieved, I was able to sleep again within a few minutes.
Last night the dream was much more intense. I was in a white house with some people who were friends (not people I know, but in my dream I sensed they were friends). For some reason I was engaging in very intense spiritual warfare, yelling out rebukes to Satan and calling on Jesus' name to destroy the enemy, and I fell into a trance-like mode where everything became fuzzy and I felt like I was losing consciousness. That's when I realized that this was a dream, so again, I knew I could just wake up and turn on my lamp and I'd be fine. I reached over and touched my lamp...again, it wouldn't turn on. I picked it up and saw that the cord was cut. Before panic struck, I remembered this happening once before, so I reminded myself that this, too, was a dream...again I reached for the lamp, but again it wouldn't turn on. The cord was cut. But I had felt a distinct change in my level of wakefulness between this attempt and the last, so fear took hold and I started to yell. My own yelling woke me up for real, and I remembered that I was in Frontier and the lamp was behind my head. In the few seconds it took for me to reach back and turn it on, a lingering sense of evil oppression continued to make my heart pound, and after the light was on, a sense of wicked laughter echoed in my mind, like teenage boys laughing as they run away from a scene of destruction before they get caught. It was eerie.


Blogger Carla said...

Your really starting to scare me....I think all you need is a good Horror movie to watch and you'll be fine..LOL no but serious maybe its because you watch horror movies..who really knows??

9:08 PM  

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