I walked into Place Riel on the U of S Campus a few days ago. As soon as the doors had cleared my view, I was met with a most disturbing sight: two scantily-clad ladies making out on a bed. On possibly the hugest poster in the world. Right in front of the door for everyone to see when they walked in, unsuspecting.
Yes, I had definitely arrived at the U of S poster sale.
Don't get me wrong, most of it was great and clean and nice. I bought two posters and Megan bought three. But unfortunately, my biggest memory of that event was how disgustingly depraved this world has become, flaunting a huge image like that as if everyone would want to see it...as if everyone was a pervert who wouldn't mind having that image slap them in the face as they walked in. I won't deny it makes me mad just thinking about it. We live in a sick, sick world full of sick, sick ideas.