10 artists you’ve been listening a lot to lately:
10. Jars of Clay
9. Starfield
8. Whatever's playing at the gym, so: Hoobastank
7. Sheryl Crowe
6. Kelly Clarkson
5. Ashlee Simpson
4. Other bands
3. That have big hits
2. But I don't know
1. Their names
9 things you look forward to:
9. Spring
8. Getting a daytime PTA job
7. My family coming up this weekend
6. Dena's wedding
5. Johanna's wedding
4. Being an aunt
3. Meeting my future husband
2. Being married to my future husband
1. Having kids
8 things you like to wear:
8. Jeans
7. Turtlenecks
6. My black vest
5. T-shirts
4. Bunnyhugs
3. Slippers
2. My watch
1. Makeup
7 things that anger you:
7. The fact that I have so little patience for myself
6. When people think they're better than others
5. Getting lost (happens quite frequently)
4. Sticky floors
3. Recurring hangnails
2. Other drivers
1. The fact that I cannot shave without accidentally nicking myself at least ten times
6 things you say most days:
6. Frickin' retard
5. Well, whatever!
4. Lord Jesus, help me
3. Whoa! (Said often because I trip often)
2. Oh, I know!
1. The word
stellar appears in many sentences
5 things you do everyday:
5. Devotions (Out of necessity for survival, not just because it's the "Christian thing to do")
4. Come up with a comeback ten minutes after it was needed
3. Go to the washroom
2. Hate my hair
1. Eat food
4 people you want to spend more time with:
4. My brother
3. My sister-in-law (Naya and Court, it's only because I don't see them as often as I see you)
2. Any older woman who could be my mentor
1. Sarah
3 movies you could watch over and over again:
3. Beauty and the Beast
2. Princess Bride
1. Dumb and Dumber
2 of your favourite songs at the moment:
2. Love of a Jealous Kind by Jars of Clay
1. Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel
1 person you could spend the rest of your life with:
1. Whoever it is, I'm not sure if I've met him yet but I don't think I have