Friday, October 27, 2006

Tonight was one of the most cultural experiences I've ever had. Even though Nate and Megan ditched us at the very beginning, Bryan and I still had sweet fun at the ecumenical square dance, learning how to do-si-do, left alamonde, swing, chain, right-hand star, and walk in a circle going left...and then right. Sometimes we all had to hold hands, but sometimes they switched it up and had us go single file, using songs like "Macho Man" and "Leroy Brown". We had the greatest-ever callers. They squabbled almost the whole time when she was trying to teach us stuff and he was trying to usurp her authority by teaching us in a different way. But the best part of all came at the very end...after the blisters had formed on my heels and everyone was giddy and sweaty and tired, we all stood in a big circle and held hands and swayed back and forth to a song about this circle of friends, singing about how we were always going to be friends and have good times together. I don't think any of you will understand exactly how meaningful this was unless you were there...Bryan was almost too sweet 4 me to handle.


Blogger Nance said...

Kjersti, if you don't email/call/contact me soonish and let me know how life's going, I'm going to have to start charging you for my services as your psychologe. And yes, this is a threat. Love you, hon!

8:45 PM  
Blogger Kjersti said...

Okay world, here's the truth...I was typing this post at a certain someone's house, and right after my sarcastic phrase about the meaningfulness of the moment, I was about to write that Bryan loved the friendship circle with all his heart. Unfortunately, before I could get this typed out, a certain someone bashed my face with a music stand and made an alternate ending. Just so you all know.
And Amy...I'm pitiful! I've been meaning to get in touch with you for such a long time, I need to know your life!

1:43 PM  
Blogger The World of Haab said...


4:06 PM  

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